Coalition For Family Harmony | Your Rights & Responsibilities
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Prevention • Intervention • Support • Education

You Have Rights

When you begin a relationship it is import for you to understand your rights and responsibilities to yourself and your partner. Taking the time to reflect on your relationship will ensure that your rights and responsibilities are being honored and can reduce your chances of having violence become part of your relationship.


Your Rights

You have the right to….

  1. Be treated as an equal and with respect.

  2. Choose how your body is treated and to change your mind at any time.

  3. Your own opinions, thoughts and property.

  4. Disagree and be able to express your opposing opinion

  5. Keep your friends and family involved in your life.

  6. Say no.

  7. Leave a relationship at anytime

  8. Not fear your partner’s anger or actions.

  9. Not be abused- sexually, emotionally or physically.


Your Responsibilities

I have the responsibility to…

  1. Be honest with your partner.

  2. Take care of yourself.

  3. Communicate without guilting your client or manipulating them.

  4. Not humiliate or degrade your partner.

  5. Encourage and support your partner

  6. Allow yourself and your partner to be individuals

  7. Not threaten to harm your partner or yourself

  8. Respect yourself and your partner

  9. Refuse and stop abuse- sexually, emotionally or physically.



Remember that all relationships are different and abusive behaviors exist on a continuum. If you are afraid you or a friend are experiencing abuse, help is available 24/7, call 1.800.300.2181